Friday, November 15, 2013

SaintChurch: WordPress Theme for Charity

SaintChurch: WordPress Theme for Charity - Churches Nonprofit

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SaintChurch is an excellent WordPress Church theme. It was created as a universal website template for people who need an easy and clear way to add attractive content to their web-sites. In this theme you can adjust not only colors, animation and backgrounds, but also the page layouts according to your needs. Many shortcodes are available for you to create your own styled content.

Special Features:

Video walkthrough:

The following site pages are considered:

  • Homepage
  • Our Mission
  • Blog list
  • Blog post page
  • Donations
  • Events
  • Mediagallery
  • Typography
  • Contacts
  • 404 error page


Please do not hesitate to contact us on Themeforest. If you face problems with this template just send us an email. We can also customize this template for an extra charge.


1.1 (2013-11-13) *Header background moved to Theme > Header section, using add_theme_support('custom-header'); *Importing demo content: theme specific options are also imported while importing from XML; *Fixing coundown widget and shortcode: taking to account website's timezone settings; 1.0 First release

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